Our Services
Embrace a new era of healthcare with cutting-edge technology that impacts cost, improves patient outcomes, and tracks changing conditions.
Step into a world where innovation meets personalized care. Unlocking the future of healthcare with pioneering solutions. At the forefront we drive discoveries that redefine possibilities and transform patient care. Welcome to the world of Virtual Care!
Chronic Care Management
CCM is a CMS developed program to address chronic issues outside of the acute hospital setting. Impacting hospital readmission rates and ED visits. Any patient with one or more chronic conditions could qualify.
Remote Patient Monitoring
RPM can be combined with CCM to provide a rapid view of changes in conditions. Weight, blood pressure, pulse and oxygen level, or glucose. Provides communication and early identification.
Transition Care Management
TCM transforming healthcare by simplifying the process from one care setting to the next. Connecting the patient with a nurse to follow and oversee the transfer and followup with the patient through the first 30 days.
Telehealth - Telemedicine
Spans issues related to travel and transportation that have prevented patients from receiving specialized care they need. Cardio, Pulmonary, Vascular, and Nephrology as examples..